Click on the first thumbnail.

Logo of the firm Bruns visible across the road.
An avenue bears his name.
Bruns sells lots of trees everywhere in Europe.
Photo taken through the window of the bus, sorry for the reflections.
Trees of all sizes.
Mr. Bruns is waiting.
He explains the course of the visit.
The firsts to settle.
Everybody is here?
It left for the visit.
Short stop for explanations.
Here we go again.
Privileged follow in sedans.
Re-stop; re-explanations.
Here we go again.
Mr. Bruns is not stingy with explanations.
Hybrid named after the local town.
Maple foliage of different colors.
And of different sizes.
And different ages.
Automated watering.
The adjacent park Gristede is the showcase of the firm Bruns. Free admission.
Park Gristede.
Park Gristede.
This Dicksonia antarctica was set up in May.
Park Gristede.
Park Gristede.
Park Gristede.
Park Gristede.
Pleasant walk just before dinner.
Rhododendron Park Bremen.
Rhododendron Jutta.
Rhododendron Madame Cochet.Old French hybrid ever seen in France.
Rhododendron Maisone.
makinoi hybrid.
Rhododendron Musikant.
Rhododendron Olin O. Dobbs.
Rhododendron Trilby.
After the tour everyone is heading for the pavilion where dinner awaits.
Special room for this purpose. Mr. Bruns knows how to entertain.
Relaxation for this chap before the meal.
The catalog of 931 pages is offered.
It is published in 5 languages.
Little attention of Mr. Bruns, which was very much appreciated. 38 °.
Catalog passionates everyone.
Germans love beer.
The Scots also.
Cheers Mr. Peter Cox.
Sehr gut !